Friday, June 20, 2014

Very Effective Acne Treatment Options

Acne is one of the most common of skin disorders. It often starts in adolescence and mainly afflicts the teenage age group. With 70% of adolescents afflicted with this common skin problem, it is often considered to be one of the most irritating diseases especially during an adolescent's life. Although it may not always be serious in the sense that is not fatal, it can cause serious emotional trauma to any person ridiculed because of their complexion.

There are numerous medical interventions to help people of all ages to resolve their acne problems. Physicians and researchers are continually seeking the ultimate treatment and the question always is as to which is the most effective.

Natural and artificial compounds are continually being tested and combined in an attempt to make a super-treatment. Here is a breakdown of a number of acne treatments which claim to be successful in dealing with different types and severity of acne spots;

Mild and Juvenile Acne

This kind of acne - often described as teenage spots - can be effectively treated using over-thecounter (OTC) medicines available in most good drugstores. This kind of acne is considered to be amongst the easiest to treat but many prescription medical interventions are also effective as acne treatments. These include a range of antibiotics, adapalene, benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin.

These treatments help prevent or stunt the development of bacteria and decrease inflammation and reddening. Depending on the person's skin type a doctor may choose to prescribe an acne treatment they believe to be appropriate and effective. As an example, if a patient has oily skin then certain creams and lotions would not be advisable, mainly as these are oil-based medications.

Certain Gels and liquid solutions will be more suitable in this case since they are predominantly alcoholbased and therefore tend to dry out the skin. Physicians and medical researchers would test a vast range of treatments before allowing them to market, and individual physicians would test a number of products on their patients before committing to a specific course of treatment for any one person. Because there is such a range of options this is very prudent.

Moderate or more severe acne

Those who have oily skin or those who used to have a form of mild acne (often this is in their later teens and early twenties) may experience worsening acne as they grow older. This may develop into a moderately severe form of acne requiring more advanced intervention. Moderately severe acne is often characterized by an increased number of whiteheads and increased redness around sores.

This is often due to ruptured blood vessels. Severe acne is categorized as when it has spread to cover a larger area, often the entire face, or parts of the back and neck. Often this will involve the development of larger spots and this type of acne is often treated with oral antibiotics.

They work by preventing or reducing the development of bacteria which can contribute to or cause acne and reducing any inflammation. When dealing with this increased level of acne a combination of medications may be required. Often oral medication and skin rubs or creams used together may be necessary.

Certain topical medications such as sulphur drug preparations have been considered extremely effective as acne treatments. Sulphur creates a peeling effect on your skin and this loosens the poor dead skin and can dislodge blackheads from their pores. Sulphur has no known side effects and as such is an effective acne treatment.

However it is always advisable to test any medication on a small area of your skin before applying them, and only take medicines oraly if instructed to do so. Examples of effective acne treatments come in the form of oral antibiotics are tetracycline, minocycline, isotretinoin, doxicycline and erythromycin.

Most of these effective acne treatments when taken orally are deemed hazardous to pregnant women and their children's health. Of the above, only erythromycin is reputed to be safe for use by those who are either expecting a baby or breastfeeding.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Teenagers' Guide On Treating Acne

Acne without doubt is one of the most widespread problems facing teenagers anywhere in the world. For some, acne can be a truly horrendous experience, while for others it can have little or no impact at all. But for those it does affect it can lower their self-esteem and limit their ability to express themselves openly and confidently.

It can impact on friendships and even on family relationships. I can leave emotional scars and cause embarrassment to such an extent that they may not even wish to leave their rooms! But acne is a natural, normal occurrence. As such it should not be viewed with dismay and certainly should not be taken so seriously as to lead to depression.

Recent statistics suggest that it effects 90% of teenagers at one time or another, and about a quarter of adults. But as a natural occurrence acne can be treated. Doctors and health professionals nowadays are able to provide very powerful, effective acne treatments for all ages but particularly teenagers. It is well worth following tips and suggestions and following a decent health plan. Prevention is better than cure, and the best cure for acne is to be vigilant and take preventative measures.

 If however you already have acne there are some excellent ways to address it;

Self-prepared remedies

Many acne treatments for teenagers can actually be found very easily, most often from ingredients already available inside your home or garden. Fruits and herbs are known to provide cures for almost any health problem, and one of these is acne. As well as achieving a cost effective, powerful treatment you may find it fun to create your own proven acne treatment which can be used by everyone including teenagers.

Creating a paste to be used on one spot or as a mask is quite straightforward and an excellent idea. The first type would be to make a mixture of ground orange peel or fresh lemon juice. Another effective acne treatment for teenagers is actually a mixture of tea tree and sweet fennel essential oils added with witch hazel.

This is believed to remove the excess oil and dirt on your face and kill the bacteria that cause the unwanted acne. Corn flour mixed with egg white is another great option that you can try to clear that acne in your face. Cucumber, a favorite acne treatment for teenagers, is tested to prevent the appearance of acne. It also refreshes your tired and unhealthy skin.

Right on the counter

When you think home-made preparations are not the acne treatments for teenagers like you, then ‘over-the-counter’ products are more recommended for you. Anytime at the nearest store in your neighborhood, you can buy these non-prescription products that are truly great acne treatments for teenagers.

Boys especially prefer these products for it is really awkward for them to put on a facial mask. Benzoyl peroxide is actually the best known acne treatment for teenagers that is available in stores. It works as to dry the skin and eventually encourage it to peel off and form a new, healthier skin surface. It also has antibacterial effects, very good in killing that irritable acne-causing bacteria.

The doctors’ advice

Not all cases of acne problems can be treated by self-made applications or “over-the-counter” drugs. These actually only treats mild to moderate acne problems. Thus, a consultation with your doctor is advisable, especially when you have a severe case of acne problem. Your doctor will surely give you more potent acne treatments for teenagers which are actually divided between topical and oral solutions.

Topical acne treatments given to teenagers are applied directly on the skin include antibiotic lotions and azelaic acid which is described as a benzoyl peroxide alternative. Meanwhile, oral antibiotics that you have to take in are just some of the recommended acne treatments for teenagers.